Dawa Ometto
He/him. University of Leipzig, Department of Philosophy

H2 1.05
Beethovenstrasse 15
Leipzig, Germany
Hi there! I am a philosopher working as an assistant professor at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Leipzig. My research focuses mainly on aspects of the philosophy action and practical reasoning. I work both on the nature and metaphysics of action, as well as on meta-ethics.
A major theme in my work is the importance of agential self-consciousness to an understanding of action, freedom, and the good. I am interested, for instance, in the connection between practical knowledge in the sense of knowledge of what one is intentionally doing, and knowledge of the good. Recently, I have begun working on topics in the philosophy of right.
I am a co-organiser, with Matthias Haase (University of Chicago) and Erasmus Mayr (Erlangen) of the Action Network, a research network in the philosophy of action formerly known as the DfG Network Practical thought and good action.
In addition to my published work, you can also find an overview of some drafts that I am working on here. Feel free to contact me to request a copy!
In my spare time, I am a long-term open source enthusiast.